What if we can reduce the waste by 90%

By making the big-bag, or any other bulk packaging interactive, we can remotely follow the status of the environmental parameters of the bag.

Furthermore, we can signal possible product contamination from changes in these parameters and therfore can tak eaction to provent or minimize waste in an early stage.

It’s estimated that our solution can reduce the wate between 40& and 90%. Test results support our estimate. A real live customer case will validate it.

For this idea we have obtained a blobal patent 2026422 and for the Netherland’s/

Only for C-Container we see exemplar solution form Traxens and (…). Diffrence is that we have the electronic on the outside of the packaging and still are measuring the content. Therefore, our solution is nog contaminating the product in the package. We measuring the O2 levels and not any other gas.